
Home - Lanap

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What is Lanap?

The LANAP protocol is a laser-based approach to gum disease using an Nd: YAG free running pulsed laser requiring specific knowledge and skills drawn from the whole dentistry. For patients looking for a LANAP Procedure U.N. Dental Spa are available to help. We use the LANAP protocol to treat gum disease to: remove only the diseased tissue without removing any of the healthy tissue, maintain the height of the tissue around teeth, minimize pain and discomfort to the patient, get a closure of the periodontal pocket wound and allow healing to take place. U.N. Dental Spa patients should contact us today to learn more.

Treatment Procedure

  • Perio probe indicates excessive pocket depth.
  • Laser light removes bacteria and diseased tissue.
  • Bone is modified at time of surgery.
  • Healing of gums to clean root surface occurs.
  • Bite trauma is adjusted.
  • Healing occurs.
  • Ultrasonic scaler and special hand instruments are used to remove root surface tarter.
  • Laser finishes cleaning pocket and aids in sealing the pocket closed so new germs cannot enter.